Here is how to donate coins for Coins For Change 2012!
1. Go to the Bakery
2. Buy a Cookie
3. Select a Cause
4. Donate Coins
5. Enjoy your transformation for 10 minutes!
Here is a video made by Bettedroid to help you to donate coins:
Cool, right? You can also go to the Migrator which is docked in the Beach to donate coins! And I think this is the best Coins for Change made by Club Penguin!! Do you agree with me? Let us know in the comments!



Rockhopper has just made in time for the Holiday Party 2012! And we will show you What's New in his ship The 'Migrator':
As always Rockhopper's ship is docked in the Beach:
You can waddle inside Rockhopper's Ship:
You can go inside the door if you have the key! Don't have one? Click here to get one! Here are the Rockhopper's Rare Items Catalog:
You can go inside the Captain Quarters Door to donate coins!
Pretty cool, huh? I will be making a Part 3/3 of this. What do you think of the Party? Let us know in the comments below!!!

The Holiday Party is here and it's too awesome! There are new items, backgrounds, catalogs and more! Enough of talking! Here is the full guide made by Crazycops:
When you log into Club Penguin you will see a 6 day Gift Calender and each day two two new gifts will be revealed: one for members and the other one for non-members! Today's gift have already been revealed:
If you open the Green Gift Box which is for members you will get a Holiday Teddy! Take a look:
If you open the Red Gift Box which is for members you will get a furniture item for your igloo:
After you have collected your gifts for today. Time for a new background for that: open your Map and click on Ski Village and then enter the Ski Lodge or more like Santa's Office! Now sit on the big chair and let the camera take a picture:
Then a message will appear, click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory:
Now click on the Ladder used to go to the Lodge Attic:
If you enter you will see that is no more a Lodge Attic, it is Santa's Sled Ride. Here is how to play it:
1. To start click on the 'FLY' Button
2. You have to deliver presents into chimneys
3. If you deliver the first fifteen presents you get a Blue Lightbulb
4. If you deliver the next fifteen presents you get a Yellow Lightbulb
5. If you deliver the last fifteen presents you get a Pink Lightbulb
6: Now that you have collected all three outfits, click on the 'LAND' Button and then you can 'EXIT'
The Outfits are not over, Club Penguin has added two new outfit catalogs for the Holiday Party 2012! The first Catalog can be found at the Forest and the Gift Shop:
Non-members must be thinking where the heck is the 'Items For All' don't worry there are some awesome non-members items in the second catalog which can be found in the Ski Lodge and the Bakery:
And at the last but not the least the thing you have all been waiting for: the three new emotes!! As some of you know it is only available during the party so use them as much as you want:
So I guess that's it! But wait I will be making a Part 2 and Part 3 for this! Make sure to comment and let us know what do you think about this Party!

The moment we all waited for, has arrived the Chapter 6 of the Operation Blackout. We will get the Anti-Lava Boots in this chapter. Since most of you have already done this mission because of the glitch which allows you to access the last area (but I didn't, I know I am a stupid penguin) but still this is a very important Chapter for me. Since I didn't post all the Chapters guide (except for 1st Chapter and this Chapter 6, you can view them on our author: Betterdroid's Youtube Channel ( . Enough of talking, now for the mission, I thought instead of making a post with images and stuff, why not post them in a video. So I did that. and here it is:
Cool isn't it? I am sorry for the video at the end of the mission, it was not loading, but still you can see the video on my older post which must be below the post which is under this. So Club Penguin saved Herbert doomed. Club Herbert no more.

The answer to the question is...... Yes! Yes guys, Aunt Arctic is the Director. I came to know that from a video. Many people are saying that Club Penguin released the 6th and the last Chapter, and if you complete it, you will see a video pop-up like this:
This video was recorded by Monchoco. But the thing is I cannot get past the door in which we go to the Chapter 6th. But many people can! Is this a glitch? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Today is another sad say for the Agents. My favourite Agent Rookie who always made us laugh with his stupidness has been captured too... by Hebert as well. Take a look:
Now only the Jet Pack Guy and the Director are left for us to depend on. Also not to mention the Chapter 4 of the Operation Blackout is released. Here it is:
Chapter 4: Completed
So what do you think guys. Will we really be able to save the island although Gary, Dot and Rookie are captured? Let us know in the comments below!

Hi guys, yes that's right Dot is captured too, along with Gary. And she is now freezing the HQ. Don't believe me? Huh? Here are the two proofs:
Proof No 1: Agent Dot photo in the 'Captured' Notice Board
Proof No 2: Agent Dot with Gary locked in a tube in the top floor
Oh know!! Agent Dot was one of our best Agents. And she is locked up! Only the Director and Rookie and the Jet Pack Guy are left now. I don't know about the Director but having Rookie left after all the people get kidnapped will not be a good sign ! But, there is only one question going on my mind. how was Agent Dot captured by Herbert so easily? After all she is the MASTER OF DISGUISE! Also to mention the Chapter 2 and 3 are also released. I am not posting them here. Since you now get the idea of how the missions are:
Chapter 2: Completed
Chapter 3: Completed
Hey guys, I have some really really bad news for you today. As expected Herbert takes over Club Penguin with Klutzy. As not expected Herbert changes everything from the daily newspaper to the Penguin Style Catalog. And if you wanna see the full guide of Chapter 1 see the post below. Here is what changed on the island.
Penguin Style Catalog Changed to Herbert Style
Penguin Faces in the Penguin Style replaced with stupid Herbert cut-out pictures.
And as expected Ruby and the Ruby replaced with My Awesome Life Stage Event!
Costume Trunk Catalog replaced with My Awesome Life - Herbert Story Catalog
Club Penguin Times replaced with Club Herbert Times.
Too Late :( We cannot save the island. But wait we still have Dot, Rookie, Director to help us. Until then

Stay Safe, Stay Tuned
Operation Blackout Arrives. Oh my god, the EPF is destroyed, and there is Club Herbert Times instead of Club Penguin Times. But first let's do Chapter 1: Blackout. There are 6 total chapters each arriving at different days. Today, we can only do the Chapter 1. So let's get started. When you log into Club Penguin you will see something like this:
Once you read through the Briefing you have to start Chapter 1, to do that just click 1 or where the arrow is pointing.
Now pick a costume from 1.1, if you are a member you can 'EQUIP' the Herbert costume. If you are not, you can 'EQUIP' the Klutzy costume. After you click 'EQUIP' go to 1.2 and read it. After you read it, go to 1.3 and click 'Go There!'
Now waddle on to the door with the Herbert and Klutzy mark on it. Make sure you are wearing your costume otherwise you cannot go in. Once you go in you will reach in a room like this: 
You will find yourself in a small area, now go over to the door where the arrow marks are pointing. Then you will reach the mission area.
Now you have to go to the computer which is showing a lock icon. Click on the computer. You will see something like this:
Click on 'Yes' then a Security Terminal will appear:
This game must be very familiar to you guys. You must have played lots of games like this. You just have to move the blocks to give way to the key. Once you do it:
You will recieve a message box like this. Click 'Ok' and it will be added to your inventory. I am doing this for the first time so I really don't know what this is. Let's try it out
Oh it's a Pin which you can get it in the 'Pins' section.
Now remember guys Chapter 2 will release on November 16th which means tommorow. So return to our site for the latest Operation Blackout news. Stay tuned.

And now for the rooms changes. If you head over to the Ski Village you will see that the EPF is destroyed:
Oh no! This means no Field Ops because the Field Ops computer is destroyed and if you go to the Beach and Dock you will see that there is Medical Posts located there.
So that's it for this post. We will have an another post for the Stage and the Costume Trunk changes. Till then stay safe and

Stay Tuned
 Whats up guys, there is a new show on the stage it is called the 'Ruby and the Ruby' and it is one of my favourite shows. For the items we have, one hidden Costume Trunk item and one Ruby pin. And we have all the cheats for you from A to Z. Thanks to InsidersNetwork from where I got to know all this. So let's get started. To get the hidden item there is a Costume Trunk on the right side. Click on that! The cover page looks like this:

Costume Trunk: November 2012
The hidden item is on page two. Turn to page two, and click on the area where it is showing in the image below:
And now for the Pin. For the Pin, there is a trick which you have to click items in the room in a particular order. And if done so, it will open a vault where the pin would be situated. Here is the order in which you have to click items:
Thanks to Tigerman55 for this pic.
In the end when you click on the Picture Frame in the Step 8 you will see a small Ruby Pin inside that. You have to click it! After you click it, a blue box should appear like this:
You have found a Square Ruby. Would you like to pick it up?
Click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory! I hope you like our cheats. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube!

Waddle On

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